
  • E. Ilammaran varshan, Dhanraj Ganapathy, L. Keerthi Sasanka


Objective: This study was done to find the effects of concentration lapses during lectures more than 20 minutes.

Introduction: concentration lapses is one of the most common effects faced by all students. Listening is an inseparable skill that humans learn during communication. The concentration lapses during this may cause several problems, the most common problems faced by students are forgetting what they heard, not remembering the word they listened to, unable to find a mental representation of the word and the inability to decode the message spoken. This can cause many impacts on their academic performance.

Materials and Methods: The study used Online based, Cross Sectional descriptive study in a private dental institution and hospital to avoid the spread of coronavirus through aerosols or inanimate objects ( via touch). The datas was collected, tabulated  and stored privately to avoid any information theft. The datas were processed using IBM SPSS(Statistical Package of Social Science) Version 23 software. Chi-square test was done to find the correlation between demographic details and questionnaires and extracted as Binary logistic regression.

 Result:  In the study, over 108 people were invited to email through WhatsApp links. Out of which 56.5% were female with the age group between 17 to 26 years. Most of the responders  belong to the first year, which is 40%. Around  69.4% felt long hour lectures are boring. And over 80% replied that they feel sleepy during long lectures. 90.7 %  responded they feel stressed because of long hour lectures. which made them think our education system needed to change for (70 6.9 %). These concentration lapses take place frequently between 10 to 20 minutes for a population of 60.2%. 47.1% think this is a major cause of the decreased academic performance.

Conclusion: The concentration lapses is a common topic or effect on today's students which can be so dangerous, that it can even cause accidents during travel or misunderstanding during a conversation. so this should be taken care of or may cause many problems not only to students but also to each and every human being alive.



How to Cite

E. Ilammaran varshan, Dhanraj Ganapathy, L. Keerthi Sasanka. (2022). CONCENTRATION LAPSES DURING LECTURES AMONG DENTAL STUDENTS IN CHENNAI. Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology, 10(3), 1381–1389. Retrieved from


