Learning and Knowledge Technologies in school management in times of covid-19. Theoretical Review


  • Hernan Oliver Dionisio-Flores, Juan Méndez Vergaray, Dennys Jaysson Picho Durand, Johnny Felix Farfan-Pimentel, Edward Flores



The purpose of this article is the analysis of the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in school management in times of COVID-19, to seek the importance and relevance the use of new strategies and methodologies for the sake of improving all teaching and learning processes. Whose research is with the literature review of the different bibliographic references in the range of 2018 to 2021.25 Articles were examined; of which 20 were analyzed from the different databases found in the trilce campus of our Universidad César Vallejo such as Scielo, Scopus, Ebsco,etc in Spanish and English languages. In this sense it is demonstrated that in the face of the need of our students and the closure of schools due to the pandemic in Peru and the world, we must not stop attending to teaching; with the adaptation of virtual media in order to close the digital gap in our education.



How to Cite

Hernan Oliver Dionisio-Flores, Juan Méndez Vergaray, Dennys Jaysson Picho Durand, Johnny Felix Farfan-Pimentel, Edward Flores. (2021). Learning and Knowledge Technologies in school management in times of covid-19. Theoretical Review. Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology, 10(1), 522–527. Retrieved from http://www.dcth.org/index.php/journal/article/view/135


