Topical Bleomycin For The Treatment Of Oral Leukoplakia –A Systematic Review


  • Prashanthy.M.R ,Bharathwaj.V.V ,Suganya.P ,Sindhu.R ,Rajmohan.M,Prabu.D ,Shreelakshmi.S,Dinesh Damodhar



To assess the effectiveness of topical bleomycin as one of the interventions for Oral leukoplakia.


A systematic review of controlled trials, clinical trials, and a pilot study was completed. Electronic and hand search were retrieved from 1246 records. One hundred four articles were screened. Six studies were included in the systematic review. The intervention and outcomes were assessed in the study included for the systematic review.


Six studies were included in this systematic reviews, which were randomized controlled trials and clinical trial. There were studies implemented in different countries. Among the six trials, two were found statistically significant, but further studies should be done to prove the effectiveness of bleomycin for oral leukoplakia. Two studies found a significantly higher reduction in the clinical lesion and a decrease in a histological lesion in the bleomycin group compared with the control group.


In the present study, the applicable confirmation recommends that topical bleomycin may be competent in the management of oral leukoplakia without any side effects. Most of the studies revealed that the enhancement in reducing the size of the clinical lesions in oral leukoplakia patients showed better results by treatment with topical bleomycin in dimethyl sulfoxide.



How to Cite

Prashanthy.M.R ,Bharathwaj.V.V ,Suganya.P ,Sindhu.R ,Rajmohan.M,Prabu.D ,Shreelakshmi.S,Dinesh Damodhar. (2021). Topical Bleomycin For The Treatment Of Oral Leukoplakia –A Systematic Review. Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology, 10(1), 1771–1782. Retrieved from


