HashTag based Temporal Emotion Flow Analysis in Microblogs


  • S. Krithikha Sanju


In microblog environment, the specific theme for tweets are identified using hashtags. Hence tweets are collected based on hashtags of trending topics using twitter Application Program Interface (API) and then hashtag-based user communities are formed using Louvain modularity then for each hashtag in the community time-based tweet created count is used to divide the community temporally using mathematical distribution. Then for temporal tweets in a hashtag, the sentiment analysis using word embedding by skip grams is done for obtaining word2vec which is further classified for identifying sentiment polarity using Support Vector Machine (SVM) and logistic regression then domain specific lexicon-based approach is also used to evaluate the sentiment polarity. Emotion detection is done for the temporal tweets in a hashtag of user community. Hence finally hashtag based temporal emotion flow analysis is done.



How to Cite

S. Krithikha Sanju. (2021). HashTag based Temporal Emotion Flow Analysis in Microblogs. Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology, 10(1), 2102–2120. Retrieved from http://www.dcth.org/index.php/journal/article/view/393


