Metabolic Syndrome and Atherogenicity - Pathophysiology


  • Khaleel Ahmed Manik, PP Sheela Joice, Mohammed Jaffer Pinjar


Metabolic syndrome has now become a worldwide epidemic. It is the consequence of combination of increasing inactivity in mankind and easily availability of calorie rich food which in turn are the side effects of industrialization and technological advancement. The modern machinery and industries shifted the prevalence of diseases from communicable to over nutrition related non communicable diseases such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension which in turn escalate the cardiovascular diseases.

Even after decades of our research and technological advances in the field of cardiology, atherogenic cardiovascular disease still lead all other causes of death in the whole world. This is happening despite treatment of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and all other risk factors. This lead to the concept of role of inflammation in atherogenesis.

The accumulated enlarged adipose cells finally get deregulated and produce a proinflammatory state in the body. There is reduced secretion of adiponectin and increased secretion of various cytokines and chemokines like interleukin-6, interleukin-8, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), MCP-1, leptin and TNF-α from this deregulated adipose tissue. These proinflammatory cytokines provide a mechanism and the favorable atmosphere for risk factors of atherosclerosis that include all the components of MetS to alter arterial biology, and promote atherothrombotic events. This triggers an inflammation of the vessel wall promoting monocyte recruitment and foam cell are produced in the sub intima.



How to Cite

Khaleel Ahmed Manik, PP Sheela Joice, Mohammed Jaffer Pinjar. (2021). Metabolic Syndrome and Atherogenicity - Pathophysiology. Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology, 10(1), 2274–2282. Retrieved from


