An Ayurvedic Approach to the Diseases Related to Raktavaha Strotas


  • Anagha Gabhane , Deepali Giri , Divya Gawande , Suraj Hinge , Ankita Kondhalkar, Dattu Hawale


According to ancient Indian system of medicine, Strotas is described as channels or passages where nutrients are carried to its destination and transferred to the tissues. The Strotas have their own root called Moolsthana. If Strotas are in healthy state, the formation of the Dosha (basic physiological entity according to Ayurveda), Dhatu (tissues)and Mala (waste products) remain in balanced levels, when Strotas are vitiated then Dosha, Dhatuand Mala also become vitiated and lead to various diseases. Aim: The aim of the present study is to establish the role and functional utility of Raktavaha Strotas. Objectives: 1. To study the diseases related to Raktavaha Strotas. 2. To study Rakta Dhatu and its relation with liver and spleen and its modern correlation with blood. Conclusion: Spleen, blood vessels and liver play major role in the pathogenesis of various blood disorders and are considered as root of Raktavaha Strotas.



How to Cite

Anagha Gabhane , Deepali Giri , Divya Gawande , Suraj Hinge , Ankita Kondhalkar, Dattu Hawale. (2021). An Ayurvedic Approach to the Diseases Related to Raktavaha Strotas. Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology, 10(1), 3094–3099. Retrieved from


