A Conceptual Study of Udakavaha Strotas and Its Modern Aspects


  • Simran Gadge , Deepali Giri , Nayan Ghate, Pratiksha Huse , Shubhada Gade, Dattu Hawale


 In Ayurveda Science Strotas Is one of the vital parts of body which transports various material in the body including dhatus, Doshas, etc. which performs various function in the body. Aim: To Study the basic concept of Udakavaha Strotas and its modern aspects. Objectives: 1. To study basic concept of Udakavaha Strotas. 2. To study admissible features of Udakavaha Strotas. 3. To study the diseases related to UdakavahaStrotas. Discussion: - Causes of vitiation of Udakavaha Strotas. Symptoms related to diseases of Udakavaha Strotas. Conclusion: -Udakavaha Strotas is a channel which transport liquid substances for development and nourishment of the body



How to Cite

Simran Gadge , Deepali Giri , Nayan Ghate, Pratiksha Huse , Shubhada Gade, Dattu Hawale. (2021). A Conceptual Study of Udakavaha Strotas and Its Modern Aspects. Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology, 10(1), 3100–3104. Retrieved from http://www.dcth.org/index.php/journal/article/view/647


