The role of Ayurveda in the management of Asthimajjagata Vata (Spondylosis): A Case Report


  • Ankita Landge, Dr. Gaurav Sawarkar, D. Punam Sawarkar3


Background: Asthimajjagata Vata (Spondylosis) is a type of Vata diseases observed in general population. The disease has distracting nature and complex management. Because of changing lifestyle improper sitting arrangements, odd sleeping timings, bike riding in wrong position, long time standing work, and junk food having low nutritional value collectively responsible for Asthimajjagata Vata as an important disease. In the pathogenesis of disease, the vitiated Vata dosha gets involved in the vertebrae (Asthi), due to in converse relationship in Asthi & Vata, increased Vata, generates Asthikshaya and causing pain, tingling sensation, numbness. Asthimajjagata Vata is a Vata vyadhi in which vitiated Vata accumulate in asthivaha and majjavaha strotas where kha vaigunya due to etiological factors. In asthi-majjagata vata, there is the formation of asthi-majja kshay.  In modern medicine, Asthimajjagata Vata closely resembles to Spondylosis.

Material & Methods-It is a single case study of 42 years old male patients who presented with the following chief complaints for two years, i.e., pain in the left hip region, inability to walk, multiple joint pain & stiffness, pain during prolonged sitting. After examination, treatment was started through internal (Maharasnadi kwath 15ml bd, Hingvashtak Churna 5gm bd, Kaishor Guggul 250mg 1tab bd, Gandharva haritaki 10gm hs) & external route (Snehan –Mahamash tail, Swedan-Pinda Sweda, Basti-Panchatiktak kshirabasti)

Observation & Result-After successful combined intervention of Shaman Chikitsa, including Panchatiktak kshira Basti & local application for consecutive one & half months, the patient got complete relief in all complaints.

Conclusion- Ayurvedic management with Shodhana & Shamana Chikitsa based on the fundamentals of Ayurveda is effective in Asthimajjagata Vata (lumbar Spondylosis).



How to Cite

Ankita Landge, Dr. Gaurav Sawarkar, D. Punam Sawarkar3. (2021). The role of Ayurveda in the management of Asthimajjagata Vata (Spondylosis): A Case Report. Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology, 10(1), 3324–3333. Retrieved from


