Case Report On Intracranial Hemorrhage


  • Ragini Joshi, Ranjana Sharma


INTRODUCTION: The deadliest type of stroke is spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH), which is caused by non-traumatic bleeding in the parenchyma of the brain. It is a substantial contributor to worldwide morbidity and mortality because of its 40% one-month case fatality rate and poor long-term outcome.

CASE PRESENTATION: A 4 months old boy was taken to the hospital withchief complaints offever, convulsion, not accepting feedwellfrom 2 days, yellowish  discoloration of skin, increased  head circumference  since from birth. On physical examination, In Central Nervous System,Bulging of Fontanels, right side cerebral  oedema is present,bleed in fronto temporal occipital  region, Eyeopening response is not present,tracheostomy is done,motor response is flex to withdraw from pain were observed in Glasgow coma scale, S1 and S2 sounds are present, and air entrance is bilaterally equal in the respiratory system., pupils are not reflected  to  light, tone and  power  of upper and lower limbs  are decreased, Head circumference is 40.5cm,then treatment was started, he has not improved after receiving treatment, and the patient is on ventilator support, with treatment continuing until the end of my care.

CONCLUSION: In this study, we mainly  focus  on expert management  and excellent  nursing  care may provide  the holistic  care that  Intracranial Hemorrhage demand and managing  the complicated case very nicely. Collaboration of entire health care team members  are carried out in such a way that the patient reclaims his or her previous degree of independence and happiness after a complete recovery.



How to Cite

Ragini Joshi, Ranjana Sharma. (2021). Case Report On Intracranial Hemorrhage. Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology, 10(1), 3398–3403. Retrieved from


