Treatment approach of Ayurveda for the management of Piriformis Syndrome-A Case Report


  • Samruddhi Bhagawat ,Dr. Punam Sawarkar, Gaurav Sawarkar


Background: Piriformis Syndrome is an abnormal condition characterized by symptoms and signs due to compression of the sciatic nerve by the inflammation of piriformis muscles. The patient with this syndrome generally presents with clinical features such as  stiffness in the lower lumber region, radiating pain from the right side of the lumbar region to buttocks & thighs, and difficulty while walking due to compression of the sciatic nerve is mentioned in a classic of modern science. It generally affects the middle-aged person with a 1:6 ratio of male to female. In Ayurveda, it can be compared with Katigata Vata, in which   Katishoola is the prime feature. Material and methods: A single case study of  52 years old male patients reported to the outdoor department of Panchkarma with the above-said complaints of Piriformis Syndrome for the last six months. Observation and result: After the successful intervention of a combination of  Panchkarma (Kati Basti and Yogavasti) &  Shaman Chikitsa, including Punarnavadi Guggulu, Hingwashtak Churna, and tab Shallaki for consecutive ten days, the significant response was found in all clinical features. Discussion: Combination of herbs used for both procedures and palliative treatment with properties such as Vedanasthapana, Shothahara, Bruhana with Ushna Veerya plays a crucial role in breaking the pathogenesis of piriformis Syndrome. Conclusion: The  Ayurvedic management with Shodhana and Shaman Chikitsa can effectively manage piriformis syndrome safely and effectively.



How to Cite

Samruddhi Bhagawat ,Dr. Punam Sawarkar, Gaurav Sawarkar. (2021). Treatment approach of Ayurveda for the management of Piriformis Syndrome-A Case Report. Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology, 10(1), 3410–3420. Retrieved from


