Effectiveness of Nutritional Program on Dietary Habit among Hypertensive Clients in Sarwary PHC in Sulaimani city /Kurdistan Region - Iraq.


  • Cheeman Salih Kakabra , Sanaa Hassan Abdulsahib


Introduction: Hypertension is a major global leading cause of death in the worldwide. According to WHO, it leads to 13.5% premature mortality and it is the common risk factor of chronic renal diseases in the middle age. However it is a well-known fact of high blood pressure these days, approximately half of the cases are not properly controlled. The aim of this study is to find the effectiveness of nutritional program concerning pattern of diet among hypertensive clients in Sulaimani city.

 Method and materials: Data was collected from November 2020 to March 2021 for whom visiting Sarwary PHC center for monthly checkup. 100 clients were selected. Researcher divided these clients into 50 clients as interventional and 50 control group, nutritional program applied for intervention group. 12weeks of healthy food nutritional program provided to case group and pre-test, post-test re applied for both group to identify the effect of educational program on client’s dietary habit. 

Result: After the intervention, the majority (88%) of patients in the intervention group had uncontrolled SBP, 68% had uncontrolled DBP, and 92% had uncontrolled blood pressure (whether SBP or DBP), but after the intervention program, there was significant (p < 0.001) decrease in all the mentioned proportions to 2%, 16%, and 16% respectively. While in the control group there was no significant change.

Conclusion: from the result of this study it is clear that nutritional program has great effects on managing habit of diet and controlling blood pressure among hypertensive cases.



How to Cite

Cheeman Salih Kakabra , Sanaa Hassan Abdulsahib. (2021). Effectiveness of Nutritional Program on Dietary Habit among Hypertensive Clients in Sarwary PHC in Sulaimani city /Kurdistan Region - Iraq. Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology, 10(1), 4005–4017. Retrieved from http://www.dcth.org/index.php/journal/article/view/773


