Molecular Insights in To the CD40/CD40Linteractions In the Immune System


  • Yogalakshmi M , Priya M , Gowri Shankar Bagavananthem Andavan


The immune system played an important role to protect our body from foreign molecules, using immune system via signaling and interactions. There have been many cells involved in the interactions of CD40 ligand and its cognate receptor CD40 (CD40L- CD40R). CD40L and its receptor expressed on various non lymphoid cells on their surfaces, a variety of hematopoietic and non-hematopoietic cell were dendritic cells, monocytes, basophills, and muscle cells, epithelial and endothelial cells. During antigen processing and presentation of dendritic cell has been expressed CD40ligand on their surface and lymphocytes expressed CD40receptor.In this review we discussed about CD40L- CD40R interaction and their function on various immune cells. The interplay of CD40 and CD40L was a promising target for immune-regulatory aspects, therapeutics strategies in human diseases.



How to Cite

Yogalakshmi M , Priya M , Gowri Shankar Bagavananthem Andavan. (2021). Molecular Insights in To the CD40/CD40Linteractions In the Immune System. Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology, 10(2), 223–228. Retrieved from


