Forensic Odontology- Knowledge,Awareness And Perception On Importance In Learning Point Of View- A Survey Study.


  • N. Mohamed Arsaath, Dr. Abirami Arthanari



Forensic odontology plays a relatively wide range of roles in the identification of human remains through dental records thereby assisting at the scene of crime such as suspected child or adult abuse through the examination of bite marks or by evaluating the degree of physical injuries via counselling sessions. “Forensic science” is a branch of science that deals with the area of endeavour used in a judicial setting which is accepted by the court and by the general scientific community to demonstrate the truth of the situation.


Aim: This present study aimed at analysing the level of awareness among undergraduate students and the study also deals with the analysis about the importance of introducing forensic odontology in the undergraduate curriculum.


Materials And Method:

An online survey was conducted with a self-structured questionnaire using an online survey platform google forms. The link was shared through social media. A total of 200 responses were received,with the data recorded an statistical analysis test” chi square test” was performed using statistical software “SPSS VERSION 23”.



The responses recorded from the participants showed that the participants possess adequate knowledge about the importance of forensic odontology and its application in the society, 98% of the participants are aware about the branch forensic odontology,the statistical association test “chi square test” performed between gender on the awareness about the branch forensic odontology depicts that results were insignificant( chi square test, p value = 0.95) since p<0.05.



The study concluded that most of the participants are aware of the importance, significance and the necessity of the forensic odontologist role in the victim identification.




How to Cite

N. Mohamed Arsaath, Dr. Abirami Arthanari. (2021). Forensic Odontology- Knowledge,Awareness And Perception On Importance In Learning Point Of View- A Survey Study. Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology, 10(2), 427–438. Retrieved from


